COVID19 Update for Our Patient Family!
We are preparing to get back to work at full capacity soon. Thank you for your patience during this uncertain time. As we welcome you back into our office and continue your dental care, it is important that our office environment remains safe for you and our team. This letter is to inform you of our increased efforts to achieve those goals. Please thoroughly read the following information to avoid any frustration when you come to your next appointment as we have had to make some significant modifications in order to resume services.
Scheduled Appointment Protocol:
- Please brush and floss your teeth prior to arriving. Also use a mouth rinse if possible.
- Each patient or responsible party must sign a supplemental informed consent and a pre-screening health history (at each visit). It is important, if possible, for us to have a current cell number on file for you. A text message with directions for your check-in and a link for the pre-screening questionnaire will be sent to you approximately two hours before your appointment. These forms are also available on our website at deserthillsdental.com in a printable, PDF format.
- Covid-19 is serious and we ask for your honesty and truthfulness while completing the health history form. If there is potential that you could be a carrier of the virus, we will happily reschedule you after it is certain that you are healthy.
- When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted at the front door or in our parking lot by a staff member for check-in. For the time being, our waiting room is limited to one or two patients and those that need assistance only. When you enter the office, you will be escorted either to your treatment room or the front desk if you have any financial questions or concerns. Per public health orders, please wear a mask.
- Only scheduled patients will be admitted into the office, unless accompanying a minor child. Only one parent or guardian may accompany a child in the treatment room. If you have multiple children with simultaneous appointments, you will be able to move to the room of your choice. Other family members will be asked to wait in their vehicle.
- Check-in process:
- Each person entering the office will have their temperature taken by a Desert Hills Dental team member. Patients with a temperature of 100.4 or above will be advised to seek testing for COVID-19 from their medical provider as per guidelines from the NM Department of Health.
- Patients will be asked to sanitize their hands prior to entrance into the office.
- Please be prepared to wear your own mask upon entry to our facility.
- New health history and informed consent forms must be completed and reviewed.
- We will provide a mouth rinse prior to starting any treatment or evaluation.
- Other precautions we are taking:
- Patients will have the opportunity to pre-pay for their treatment online, as well as in their clinical operatory at the time of treatment. Visit www.deserthillsdental.com to make an online payment or to access your Patient Portal where you may view your account information and see future appointments.
- Each staff member at Desert Hills Dental will have their temperature taken each day and will be screened for symptoms. Any employee reporting symptoms will be asked to remain home until it is certain that they have recovered.
- Our office has always taken infection control very seriously, but we are now wearing more layers of Personal Protective Equipment. That means we’ll need to use our office air conditioning even more during these next warmer months. Please bring an extra layer to keep you warm during your appointment!
- We are providing regular and aggressive training and reinforcement with staff on all procedures related to your safety.
- The dental profession has been the leader in infection control for over 35 years, and as guidelines continue to rapidly evolve, we will make it our charge to continue these efforts in order to keep you safe.
These protocols will likely change as more information becomes available from the NM Department of Health.
Please understand our level of commitment to you. We emphasize the importance of preventive and definitive treatment as it relates to your overall health. We are working in accordance to the CDC and the NM Department of Health guidelines to safely increase our capacity to get your treatment back on schedule. PLEASE be patient with us during these uncertain times.
Everyone is aware of the risks of leaving their homes during this pandemic. Those with underlying medical conditions are at most risk. If you have any reservations or do not feel comfortable coming to our office at this time, it is ok to wait! We will gladly reschedule you to a later date.
We look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, be safe and stay healthy!
Dr. Schumacher, Dr. Hilton, Dr. Burgess, and Dr. Del Toro